Based on investing this monthly amount into [INVESTMENT_CHOICE] fund and assuming [INVESTMENT_RETURN]% growth over a [YEARS_TO_RETIREMENT] year period.
What next?
Now that you’ve seen how making small changes to your everyday spending can add up in the future, consider making your money work harder for your retirement.
Grow your super by making salary sacrifice contributions through your employer.
Savings are assumed to be added as regular, after-tax monthly contributions into a savings account.
Any contribution limits relating to a specific savings account are ignored. The calculator assumes all contributions can be saved without additional tax or fees.
The projection assumes a future wage inflation of 4.0% p.a and future price inflation of 2.5% p.a.
Results are expressed in today's dollars by discounting future amounts using the wage inflation rate in the accumulation phase and price inflation rate in the retirement phase.
Target income is also assumed to increase at the wage inflation rate.
These assumed inflation rates and the approach to discounting are consistent with ASIC Corporations (Superannuation Calculators and Retirement Estimates) Instrument 2022/603.
Investment returns
Investment returns are assumed to be consistent for the duration of the savings period.
We offer 13 accumulation investment options and 11 pension investment options, three risk profiles; low, medium and high are referred to in the Small change calculators. This may not directly align with one of Vision Super’s investment options or the option you are in. To compare the investment objectives and differences of these profiles you can see further details at
Investment earnings
The default investment returns assumptions are:
Accumulation phase return (net of investment fees and tax)
Pension phase return (net of investment fees and tax)
Insurance premiums and administration fees
The default administration fees and insurance premiums are detailed in our PDS.
The costs of the everyday items are estimates and do not necessarily represent the exact cost to you if you were to give up the item, at the specified frequency, as represented in the calculator.
The cost of each everyday item shown in the calculator is assumed to remain the same for the duration of the savings period. The effects of inflation on the cost of the item are ignored meaning the increase in savings is shown in today’s terms.
Retirement age
If you enter a current age less than 67, the calculator will assume a default retirement age is 67. If you enter a current age of 67 or older, the calculator will assume a default retirement age of your age at your next birthday. This approach is consistent with ASIC Corporations (Superannuation Calculators and Retirement Estimates) Instrument 2022/603.
To the extent of law, neither the provider of the calculator, its service providers or any related bodies accept any liability for any omissions, errors or inaccuracies in the results generated by the calculator or the use of these results. The results that are provided via the calculator are based on assumptions. The results generated by the calculator may not be accurate if the assumptions become inaccurate for any reason including as a result of taxation or other legislative changes. The results are not guaranteed.
The information provided by the calculator is general in nature. The results are illustrative only and should not be relied on to make financial decisions. Any results provided by the calculator are estimates only and are not guaranteed and does not take into account your personal circumstances including your current expenses, lifestyle, other financial commitments like debt or other needs and objectives. We recommend that when you are making financial decisions you seek your own professional financial and personal advice from a licensed financial adviser that can provide you advice tailored to your objectives, financial situation or needs.
This calculator is based on our current understanding of those tax and superannuation laws effective as at July 2024. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.